Seb’s Workout Log

Basic Back on Tuesday, December 31, 2024

No PR but fairly good pump. The last workout of the year. Happy new year everyone. LC1 Separate Hand Cable Lat PulldownSet 1: 39 kg × 20 [Warm-up]Set 2: 73 kg × 16 [Warm-up]Set...

Basic Legs on Sunday, December 29, 2024

Powerful leg workout with 3 personal records 🏆🏆🏆 QM Hack SquatSet 1: 66 kg × 10Set 2: 66 kg × 10Set 3: 66 kg × 10 QM Seated Leg Press 45 BF81 MatrixSet 1:...

Chest on Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Another early morning chest workout. No shoulder pain, I went really heavy. No personal records but almost. PD Bench PressSet 1: 12 kg × 24 [Warm-up]Set 2: 16 kg × 24 [Warm-up]Set 3: 24...

Legs on Monday, December 23, 2024

Quick workout with personal records. I felt a great pump just from the leg presses. QM Seated Leg Press 45 BF81 MatrixSet 1: 40 kg × 20 [Warm-up]Set 2: 40 kg × 20 [Warm-up]Set...

Shoulders on Saturday, December 21, 2024

Nice weekend workout. Strong dumbbell shoulder press: 12 reps with 34 kg. In the tank top I got from my boyfriend. 🥰 SDP Shoulder PressSet 1: 14 kg × 26 [Warm-up]Set 2: 22 kg...

Back on Friday, December 20, 2024

Snappy and strong workout. Used straps for heavier weights. I made a personal record on the lat pulldown. LC1 Separate Hand Cable Lat PulldownSet 1: 39 kg × 20 [Warm-up]Set 2: 73 kg ×...

Chest on Thursday, December 19, 2024

This was a great chest workout. I regained all my previous strength, did my previous personal record again with the dumbbell bench presses; 44 kg × 10 💪🏽 PD Bench PressSet 1: 12 kg...

Chest on Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Great morning session lifting at all-time personal records 10 DB bench presses at 42 kg was sweet. PD Bench PressSet 1: 12 kg × 30 [Warm-up]Set 2: 18 kg × 20 [Warm-up]Set 3: 32...