Strong by Habit Articles

The Basics: Macronutrients

As part of The Basics series, we will explore the foundations of nutrition. Today’s topic is the four big building blocks of food that give you the energy to stay alive, move, and function...

The Basics: Workout Principles

As part of The Basics series, we have a look at the principles of resistance exercise training. Understanding the following concepts is crucial not only for making progress and building muscle but more importantly...

The Basics: Sleep

Besides training and nutrition, the third (and often overlooked) component of a healthy lifestyle is sleep. You train in the gym to stimulate your muscles, eat to feed them, but the real muscle building...

6 Ways To Overcome Gym Intimidation

If you have never been to a gym to work out, the mere idea to go there and being exposed to the stares and judgment of other people can be paralyzing. It’s normal that...

The Basics: Workout Gear

What do you really need for the gym? In this article we go through the outfit and gear you will need for the workouts. The Essentials The following five items are absolutely needed for...